Concentration and details in a virtuous alliance. The bouquet displays great breed: spicy and balmy tones frame ripe fruit, accompanied by echoes of violets and mineral shades. On the palate it is vigorous, vibrant and powerful, with a broad and intriguingly tangy aftertaste.
At the same time mellow, authoritative and austere, this “Campolungo” has fantastic versatility in accompanying food and pairing with its varied nuances of flavor. Among a myriad of examples: ribollita, pasta with wild boar or hare, all kinds of game recipes and moderately mature sheep’s cheeses.
A prominent, yeasty layer with some lemon custard, roasted cashews and hints of honey and hay. Flavorful, with dried golden berries and some bread crust, framed in a bone-dry palate with zingy acidity. Drink now.